About Us
For any questions or concerns send an email (with your Information under the LogIn) to:
- Since day one, our mission has been to deliver the best products at the lowest price. We’re making it easier to shop smart with your wallet. So you can get the things you love at a price you love. Qualilty products that improve and bring happiness to people's lives. That has been our mission since day one, hasn’t changed — and it never will.
- Unlike most companies, our business was built to help you say yes — not to profit off mistakes or misfortune. When you win, we win.
- Requests received during normal business hours are typically answered within 1-2 business days.
- Eternalslift is the culmination of months of hard work creating the next generation of automated checkout software, designed to make your retail more effective. Eternalslift has over 1000 people who requested access a visit in the last 24 hours. However, This is only the beginning for EternalsLift's we continue to modify the site to the general public. We will continue to make adjustments to our store. For more information click the FAQ.